Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Got Balls!!!

This week I discovered the most wonderful thing God ever made, Green Fuzzy Balls. Luckily for me I have a compulsive obsessive Foster Dad and he is constantly throwing them all over the yard. As soon as I bring one back he has another and the crazy old coot can't seem to stand holding onto these Green Fuzzy Balls for more than 10 seconds. This past Saturday I must have returned over 70 balls to him. I don't mind it though, it makes you feel good inside when you help old crazy people. My old Foster Dad is cranky and generally smells funny, but he can wing a Green Fuzzy Ball at least 50 yards. Which is great for me since I love to run and every now and then I throw in an acrobatic move at the end of the sprint. Sometimes I slide and flip ass over tea kettle, but according to the cranky old guy, I haven't lost any cool points thus far. Our next big project will be more treadmill training, which I understand involves lots of treats. It ruff being a poor helpless little foster dog:)


  1. Aw, Oliver. So nice of you to help him! What a great, funny mental picture this gave me - thanks!
