I absolutely love to play with my foster brother, Pete. We have so much fun together. I always greet him with kisses --first thing in the morning or whenever I see him.

Sometimes he gets aggravated with me because I have so much more energy than he does but he never gets mad. Foster mom says it is because I have such a great temperament - she says Pete doesn't like bullies and since I'm not a bully, he loves me. We do almost everything together - like play in the yard, explore the woods and creek, hunt for moles, play with toys or hang out in the kitchen and watch foster mom cook (that's lots of fun). Pete's also training me on where to score all the good treats: there is the UPS delivery guy (but not the FEDEX guy - for some reason, he won't get out of the truck unless Pete and I are inside?), the lady that delivers mail, the lady next door... It's great when the lady next door comes home from work - she lets us in her house and it's like a treasure hunt finding all the treats lying around that her doggies didn't eat that day. There are two small doggies that look like my foster sister that live there and I try to play with them sometimes but I play too rough for little doggies so Pete escorts me back home. And when the next door neighbor lady is at my house with her doggies, Pete won't let me play then, either. I think he wants me all to himself--who wouldn't?

Here's me and Pete riding in the big truck on the way to go walking. We get to walk on this nice country dirt road that is about 1/2 mile long and has nothing but woods on both sides - no houses...nothin'. It's great! I do really well off-leash. Whenever foster mom claps her hands (poor thing can't whistle..hehe), I look in her direction and if she motions for me to come to her, I do. I did get into a little bit of trouble today:

someone had dumped their trash on the side of the road (foster mom calls those people "pieces of sh*t") and Pete and I found some leftover fast food. As soon as foster mom yelled "Drop-It", Pete did...and I grabbed it. I quickly learned what "drop-it" meant.
We play all the time. Sometimes, we are just lying around and hanging out together and a play fight just breaks out. Just like that. Like this time, we were just sitting in the living room hanging out with foster mom and wham, time to play.

And this morning, we were just lying around in the bedroom floor while foster mom was brushing her teeth and next thing you know we're playing...again.

And then we went upstairs to hang out with foster mom in her office and started playing again. She pretended to be annoyed at us for disturbing her work with all the racket but I know she was having fun, too.
When Pete and I were playing in the office, he found what was left of a raw bone my foster mom gave me. So, Pete quit playing and started chewing on the bone. At one point, both of us have our mouth on the bone but there is no aggression and I'm still playing. And, because I have such a great temperament, Pete doesn't get mad at me for being all over him and his bone while he's eating it (although you can tell he wants it all to himself) -- NOT something you can normally do with bully breeds but I'm just that great! And then Pete broke off a small piece for me and I relaxed beside him and we both just chewed them in peace - we didn't have to be separated in different rooms (or different zip codes) like some bullies.
Note: I have observed Oliver and Pete's interaction for some time now and was completely confident they would play nice - otherwise, I would have removed the bone as soon as Pete found it.
And last night, Pete chose to sleep in the living room with me so I wouldn't be lonely (that's another reason I know he loves me). I still have to sleep in a crate. Foster mom says it is to help me because some people prefer doggies that are crate-trained but I think it is because Pete and I would probably play all night and she'd never get any sleep. I doubt I'll ever be one of those doggies that can hang out in a crate all day but I am getting much better about sleeping in it at night. I used to howl and howl in my crate because I don't like to be left alone but now I just do a quick whimper and go to sleep. Of course, I'm ready to get up bright and early to play with Pete.
Wherever my forever home, it absolutely must come with a playmate! I love people, too, but I have to have a doggie buddy that can match my energy.
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